
Meet Ben Corn

After searching unsuccessfully for quite some time online for even a little bit of information on tattoo artist Ben Corn, I came to this conclusion: Ben Corn seems to be a man of few words. Which is okay, I guess, considering that he makes his living tattooing and not giving speeches about himself. So while there may not be a lot of biographical information about Ben out there, there are a lot of photos of his work to be found, which is pretty much the most important thing.Meet Ben CornMeet Ben Corn

Therefore, I’m not going to be able to tell you much about Ben Corn. I don’t know what his favourite food is or if he has any pets or what music he likes to listen to. I’m sorry if you’re upset by this news. What I can tell you is that Ben Corn’s hometown is Norco, California, he’s 33-years-old, he works full time at Big Bear Tattoo in Big Bear Lake, California and he has been known to tattoo over at Mark Mahoney’s Shamrock Social Club in West Hollywood, California. Oh yeah, he’s also a phenomenal tattoo artist.

Big is the first word that comes to mind when I look at Corn’s work. Everything feels larger than life - the sort of work I would expect to have seen on a viking or a pirate way back in the day. Skulls, ships, huge black and grey scenes of chaos and beauty. Corn’s work does it all with a smooth and detailed depth that explains why he doesn’t say much about himself - he’s too busy kicking ass with his monster works.

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